Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Son

We are pleased to present our son: Lucca Jacob Yngwie Born November 28th @ 9:36 am 8lbs. 9oz. :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

And where have YOU been?

Alas I must admit, nowhere...

Except for a favour to a dear friend I haven't been shooting much, as I batten down the hatches and prepare for the whirlwind storm that will be labour as I reach my term... ah motherhood. I will gladly respond to any and all emails I get regarding any type of photography, but except for restoration I will be enjoying a family hiatus. Thank you again for all your warm wishes for a fast and painless labour. Happy Halloween! Your Light Artist, Cortney

Monday, September 29, 2008

Photo Restoration

Photographs are memories that freeze frame time.
Unfortunately even though the actual memories may fade, you can keep your photographs looking good as new with a little restorative work.

Not always but for the most part photographs can be repaired and rejuvenated to look good as new! I would be more than happy to look at your photos and let you know what I can do with them for you!

For example I can fix: color, creases, torn edges, discoloration, spots, scratches, missing pieces.. and anything else you can throw at me!

I would give you a fair estimate with no pressure to commit!
And I would be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding restoration!

Your Light Artist,

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sonic Orchid Cd & Banner Design

Regina's Own Sonic Orchid

New CD "Love & War" Design and photography by Light Artist Photography For Design quote please email

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

4 More Sets of Photoshop Brushes!!!

Out of the shear boredom that can be my life at 10pm, I've gone and created some 70 more brushes, in 4 more sets!

-Tropical Fishes and Coral
-Circle-y Patterns like moon craters or ... something ...
-Crazy lines that TO ME look like cute little viruses all blown up
-Pom Pom Flowers, I tried to use Depth of Field so as to give it a bit more visual interest.

Free for the taking Here, Enjoy!

Your Light Artist,

Friday, August 29, 2008

Photoshop Brushes by ME!

I LOVE DeviantArt and the PS brushes they have there, so I made some...
Nothing to fancy...
Just some scribbles and filters at 10:30pm
I'll get better! But you've got to start somewhere!

Download them here
Let me know what you think!

Your light artist,

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Into the Light

A blog you say?
It may be handy...
There are things you just might want to know about.
I can teach you things.
I want to learn. What can you show me?

A place to start, where to begin.. I wrote this the other day. The day after I heard "Why do photographers charge SO MUCH for wedding photography" I realized that ranting about "the art of it" and "the quality you expect" are really empty words unless you can simply and clearly show exactly WHAT you're talking about....
